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Pumpkin Spice Ice Cream

Pumpkin Spice Ice Cream
Christopher Mohs
Pumpkin Ice Cream in a white ramekin with Pumpkin Cookies with Vanilla Icing on the side

In our household we eat a lot of ice cream.  I’m not talking a snack once a week, this is intense love of ice cream as in grab the carton and a spoon every other night over the evening news type of ice cream consumption.  Naturally with this much ice cream I wanted to take hold of the love affair and begin making ice cream at home. It saves money AND I can have complete control over the ingredients I want to put in the ice cream.

You may have seen past posts of mine highlighting this easy formula for ice cream at home. One of my favorites are the Strawberry Cheesecake Ice Cream.  You can also get additional ice cream recipes in my book “Great Eats! In A New York Minute or Two” available at Amazon.

This time I’m going to give you two ways of making it. One with an ice cream maker, and the other for those who may not have an ice cream maker at home.

If you are new to homemade ice cream (the super easy way of course) you have nothing to fear but these 4 simple basic ingredients; Heavy Cream, Milk, Sugar, and Salt. That’s seriously it! And all the flavors you can dream up are just piled on top of those four basic ingredients.

The first way to attack ice cream at home is with the use of an ice cream maker.  I have one made by Cuisinart which has held up really well for almost 4 years now and at under $60 it was an easy kitchen appliance purchase. For this method, simply combine the milk, sugar and pinch of salt to a bowl and whisk together to get the sugar somewhat dissolved in the milk.  Then whisk in the heavy cream and your extra ingredients – get creative with these from chopped up fruit, jams, cookies, and even flavor extracts like classic vanilla, almond, or mint. Pour the mixture into the ice cream maker and churn for 20-30 minutes before transferring to a storage container and placing in the freezer over night to freeze the rest of the way.

If you don’t have an ice cream maker and just don’t feel that the investment is worth while, have no fear there is yet another way. Similar to the recipe above, mix your milk, sugar, salt and this time add your flavorings and and liquid additions to this mixture (think jams or chocolate syrups).  In your stand mixer or with an electric beater, whisk the heavy cream until light and fluffy.  Then carefully fold the heavy cream and any solid additions into the rest of the ingredients being gentle to maintain all that air in the cream. Pour this into a storage container and place into the freezer over night to freeze completely before serving.

The consistency will vary a bit between the two, but you will undoubtedly enjoy the ice cream’s fresh taste regardless. Here is the recipe for our fall rendition of Pumpkin Spice Ice Cream.  Enjoy!

Pumpkin Spice Ice Cream


2 cups Heavy Cream
1 cup Milk
3/4 cup Sugar
Pinch of Salt
1/4 cup Pumpkin Purée
1/2 tsp Crumble Spice
1 tsp Vanilla


Prepare your ice cream maker for the mixture (removing completely frozen core from the freezer). In a bowl, mix together the milk, sugar, salt, pumpkin purée, Crumble Spice and vanilla.  Once sugar has somewhat dissolved mix in the heavy cream.  Once combined turn on the ice cream maker and pour the mixture into the freezer core. Let it churn for 20-30 minutes and then pour into a storage container and place into the freezer for 4 hours or over night before serving.