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Adventures in Recipe Photography

By in Journal

This past weekend was a whirlwind to say the least! My next cookbook was finally complete (it only took 2 years) and it was time to wrap up photography and get it off to editing. To say the least, I was motivated – perhaps a bit too motivated.  All in I baked off the last 8 recipes from the new book on breads and photographed away. This is all done in our tiny little New York apartment and it certainly gets interesting.

This is literally what my desk looked like (my “home office” occupies a small corner of our living room). Keep in mind, the kitchen was stuffed full of packaged up goodies as well.

Needless to say, the weekend was productive and this third book is almost off to print. And the neighbors are very happy to help with all of the bakes coming out of the kitchen.

Here’s a little teaser of what’s to come.  Stay tuned for early access to “Quick & Easy Breads”, for a limited time I’ll be offering up signed copies, mailed out personally right to you.

Banana Milk Bread


Lemon Poppy Seed Bread


Whole Wheat & Honey English Muffins


Flour Tortillas


Garlic Naan

And the current cover of the book which will be coming in early April.