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Apricot Blueberry Galette

Apricot Blueberry Galette
Christopher Mohs
Apricot Blueberry Galette

Probably the most forgiving of desserts (or in some cases, a great breakfast treat) the galette is an earthy, rustic, no fuss replacement for your typical pie. The recipe as a whole can take anywhere from 10-30 minutes to prep (depending on if you take the shortcut of buying pre-made pie crust at the store). And with an hour of bake time it’s relatively effortless and looks so good when you are entertaining guests.

One of the things I love is that you can swap out the fruit with practically anything. They key to a great galette is making sure you don’t have an excess of liquid. And the pastry crust is equally as versatile. You can swap out half of the flour with any kind of flour you like. Some of my favorite substitutes are simple ones like Whole Wheat Flour and then ones that amp up the flavor like Graham Flour or Almond Flour. You could even add in your favorite seeds like poppy seeds or flax seeds to add even more nutrients to your bake.

Let us know how you got along with this recipe and tag us on Instagram @pumpernickelandryeofficial with your versions of your favorite galette.

Apricot Blueberry Galette


Pastry Crust
2 cups All Purpose Flour
1 tsp Salt
2/3 cup Cold Butter Cubed
5-7 tbsp Cold Heavy Cream

2 cups Sliced Apricot
1 cup Blueberries
1/4 cup Sugar
3 tbps Corn Flour
Juice of 1 Lemon
1 tsp Crumble Spice (4 parts Ground Cinnamon to 1 part Ground Cloves)
1/8 tsp Ground Cardamom

1 Egg for egg wash
Turbinado Sugar with Cinnamon for topping.


Prepare the pastry crust in advance by sifting into a bowl your flour and salt and then using a pastry cutter, cut in the butter until it resembles super fine wet sand, or the butter is down to the size of peas. Then add in the heavy cream starting with 5 tbsp and adding in more heavy cream as needed to bring the dough together. The key here is a slightly dry dough so err on the side of JUST coming together. To speed up this process you can use a food processor. Shape the dough into a disk and cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least an hour or overnight.

To prepare the filling, mix together all filling ingredients in a mixing bowl and preheat the oven to 400 degrees F. Now either roll out the dough into one large rough circle or you can divide the dough into quarters to make smaller individual sized galettes. Scoop filling into the center leaving about 1 1/2 inches of dough exposed to fold over the edges. Now brush the outer part of the pastry dough a light egg, this will help seal the pastry dough when you fold it over. Now starting in one spot, start folding over the pastry dough all the way around to create your outer crust. Brush the now exposed pastry dough edges with a egg wash and sprinkle with the turbinado sugar.

Place the galette(s) on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper (if you are doing one large galette it’s easier to assemble on the baking sheet). Place in the oven for 45-50 minutes or until the filling is nice and bubbly. The bubbling is key to activating the thickener of the corn flour. When done, remove from the oven and allow to cool for about 5 minutes before serving. You can garnish with mint leaves for extra flare.