Corn is so delicious and sweet, I have always been a fan. Every year I look forward to the Minnesota State Fair, it’s kind of part of being Minnesotan and one of the most important activities that goes down at the fair is eating. So you carefully choose what food to slowly fill your belly with, corn was always on my list. But no longer, because now I make my own, no more waiting in line.
Roasting the corn on the grill gives it an added flavor. It makes a great side for any meal, or even dessert if you ask me. Bring a touch of roasty sweetness to your palate. If corn is currently available at your local Farmers’ Market we suggest picking some up.
Kosher Salt
Heat grill to medium. Dissolve salt in water and soak corn for 10-15 minutes. Take the corn out of the water and wipe off extra water. Clean up corn husks removing all loose tassels and hanging pieces. Then put corn in husks right on the grill for 15-20 minutes, turning every five or so minutes until corn is tender. Remove husks and enjoy!