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Blueberry Lemon Thyme Fizz

Blueberry Lemon Thyme Fizz
Melinda Bianchet
Blueberry Lemon Thyme Fizz drink in glass with blueberries, lemon, and thyme on the side

Here’s to you! I made this refreshing, deck-sipping drink to celebrate you and all of your support. We truly appreciate having all of you here with us. Stick around because it’s only getting better.

This drink highlights the fresh flavors of summer with blueberry, lemon, and thyme. You start by making a blueberry lemon thyme simple syrup (recipe below) that you can store in the fridge and use for other beverage recipes as well. The lemon thyme comes straight from my garden and there is always a satisfaction in using your own homemade produce, but you can also purchase regular thyme at the grocery store.

With just a few simple ingredients you can make this tasty beverage that will make you look like a pro. Cheers!


4 tbsp Blueberry Lemon Thyme Simple Syrup (recipe below)
1 tbsp Fresh Lemon Juice
6 oz Club Soda


Fill a glass with ice and mix all of the ingredients together. Garnish with blueberries, a slice of lemon, and a sprig of lemon thyme (you can substitute regular thyme). Enjoy!

Blueberry Simple Syrup


1 cup Sugar
1 cup Water
1 cup Blueberries
8-10 Sprigs of fresh lemon thyme (can substitute regular thyme)

Heat the water to medium heat then add sugar and blueberries. Increase to high heat and bring to a boil. Then reduce heat to low and simmer for 15 minutes stirring regularly until sugar is dissolved. Next remove the pot from heat and add the lemon thyme, let steep with the cover on for 10 minutes. Strain the syrup and let cool then store in refrigerator for 3-4 weeks.