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Fresh and Flavorful Caprese Salad

Fresh and Flavorful Caprese Salad
Melinda Bianchet
mozzarella, tomatoes, and basil circled on a plate for a Caprese Salad

Recently while dining out at a fancy restaurant I ordered a Caprese Salad. It cost $15 and was delicious. I thought to myself, “well geez, if I just pick up some fresh mozzarella at the grocery store we can throw one of these together at home for a fraction of the cost with items from the garden (or Farmers’ Market) and pantry.”

And I am sure glad I did. Picked up some fresh mozzarella at a local grocery store. It is already sliced and makes it super easy to throw on the plate, because every moment saved is a moment earned … or something like that. In the specialty cheese section look for mozzarella the shape of a very small pork loin.

The mozzarella combined with freshly sliced tomatoes and basil, and a drizzle of this, sprinkle of that make for a refreshing and flavorful contribution to any meal or snack.


2 Tomatoes
1-8 oz Fresh Mozzarella, prefer sliced and ready to serve
1/4 cup Basil
Olive oil, to taste
Balsamic Vinegar, to taste
Salt, to taste
Black Pepper, to taste

Slice the tomatoes about 1/4 inch thick, I also halved mine as they were large tomatoes. Lightly chop the basil. Arrange the tomatoes and mozzarella in a circle in an alternating pattern. Sprinkle basil over top. Drizzle with olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Then salt and freshly ground pepper to taste.

(Note: After taking this photo and digging in, it was decided that more balsamic vinegar was needed and it was liberally applied. 🙂 )