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Chocolate No-Bake Black & White Cookies

Chocolate No-Bake Black & White Cookies
Christopher Mohs

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This recipe is a twist on a family favorite passed on from my aunt. I remember the rare occasions these cookies were whipped up as a child and that many times the cookies were not allowed to fully set up before they were devoured. A yummy chocolatey treat you’re sure to love!


2 cups Sugar
1/2 cup Cocoa
1/2 cup Margarine
1/2 cup Milk
3 cups Oatmeal
1 tsp Vanilla
3/4 cup Creamy Peanut Butter
1/2 cup White Chocolate Chips


In a sauce pan mix together sugar, cocoa, margarine and milk. Bring to a boil and cook for 1 minute. Remove from heat and mix with oatmeal, vanilla and peanut butter.  When well mixed, drop spoonfuls on waxed paper.

Place white chocolate chips in a ziplock bag and microwave for 30 seconds at a time until melted (mix between 30 second

increments by squeezing the chocolate around in the bag). When melted, cut a small hole in the corner of the bag and use to pipe a drizzle of white chocolate over each cookie mound.

Allow cookies to set up and enjoy!