So I’ve always been a huge fan of the cocoa roasted almonds as a snack, but these canisters of snacking wonder cost a fortune in the store! Thus triggered my great quest for the perfect recipe for this amazing snack. And of course along the way I wanted to figure out a way to wiggle in my famous CrumbleSpice into the mix.
You might recall a few years ago when I went down this road, obviously it never stuck and the recipe just wasn’t fool proof enough for even this savvy foodie to embark on in a relative frequency to stave off the cravings in a less expensive manner. So this weekend was another stab at the unending quest, and I have to admit – I think I may have cracked it!
As I often do, I hit the recipe blogs to figure out what makes this particular concoction work. There were methods that involved TONS of sugar (not excited about that), others that required a hefty beating of egg whites to make a frothy coating (too much work). Then I tried a modified version (the sugary one) but substituted more natural ingredients to bring the sugar levels down – EPIC FAIL! Yes, even I miss the mark from time to time.
So with failure in tow, I slept on it and came up with the ultimate answer. The K.I.S.S. (Keep It Simple Stupid) method never fails! All I really needed was a thin coating that would hold the cocoa powder and CrumbleSpice to the almonds. What is this key ingredient? HONEY! Yes, that all natural wonder created by those busy bees working all day.
So with amazing and simple ingredients, I was able to whip up the easiest Cocoa Roasted Almonds EVER! Hope you enjoy them as well.
Let’s start with the ingredients – seriously it’s a short list.
3 cups Whole Raw Almonds
2 tbsp Honey
4 tbsp Good Quality Cocoa Powder Divided (get creative, Dark, sweetened, whatever you love)
1 tsp CrumbleSpice (substitute Cinnamon)
Yup – doesn’t get much simpler than that.
First, measure out the 3 cups of whole raw almonds into a mixing bowl.
Next in a separate bowl measure out 3 tbsp of the cocoa powder and 1 tsp of the CrumbleSpice. Mix this together and set aside.
To the bowl with almonds, drizzle two tablespoons of honey and mix thoroughly with a spatula until all the almonds are evenly coated in the honey.
Next add half of the Cocoa/CrumbleSpice mixture to the honey coated almonds and mix thoroughly. Add the remaining cocoa mixture and stir until well coated. Spray a baking dish with cooking spray and spread out the almond mixture evenly. Place in the oven at 275 degrees for 30 minutes (stir every 10 minutes).
Remove from the oven and transfer to a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Allow to cool for 5-10 minutes. Then put the nuts back into a mixing bowl and sprinkle 1 tablespoon of Cocoa Powder and toss so the almonds are nicely coated with the powder. Return to the baking sheet to cool completely.
That’s it! Enjoy!
Hope you liked this recipe – stay tuned for more adventures in my big world of foodie wonderment.