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Fast Shrimp Dinner w/Broccoli

Fast Shrimp Dinner w/Broccoli
Christopher Mohs

Here’s a fast shrimp dinner that you can whip together any night of the week and its healthy too!

1 pkg Spaghetti
3 cups of Broccoli
1 pkg of peeled and deveined shrimp
Lemon Juice
2 tbsp Olive Oil
2 tbsp Butter

Cook pasta according to package instructions, strain and set aside. In the same pot drizzle olive oil in the bottom of the pot and add butter. Once the butter has melted add the shrimp and season with salt and pepper. Add a splash of lemon juice and cook until almost done. Add back the pasta and the broccoli and give it another splash of lemon juice. Cover the pot and let it steam just until the broccoli is a nice bright green color. Season with salt and pepper, give it a toss and serve.

What did I tell you – it’s FAST! Like under 15-20 minutes fast. Now go make yourself a good balanced dinner tonight.

P.S. – a great side is the Garlic Cheddar Biscuits. Give it a try this week.