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Make Your Own Oatmeal Packets

Make Your Own Oatmeal Packets
Melinda Bianchet
three varieties of oatmeal flavors

These make your own oatmeal packets are a great, healthy breakfast option to have around the house, or take while traveling for a quick and hearty breakfast or snack on the go.It is also a great breakfast to keep stashed in your office drawer and also works as a hearty afternoon snack. All you need to do is add hot water and you are set. Simplicity at it’s best.

I like to mix up different combinations of ingredients to keep it fun and healthy at the same time. The flavors featured here are Cinnamon Raisin, Cranberry Coconut, and Brown Sugar Walnut.

Go ahead and try making other flavor combinations of your own. We’d love to see / hear what you create, please share in comments or on Facebook.

Ingredients (single serving)

Snack / sandwich size bags for storage

Cinnamon Raisin
1/2 cup Rolled Oats / Old Fashioned Oats
1/2 tbsp Sugar
Dash of Salt
Handful of Raisins
1 tsp Cinnamon

Cranberry Coconut
1/2 cup Rolled Oats / Old Fashioned Oats
1/2 tbsp Sugar
Dash of Salt
Handful of Dried Cranberries
1-2 tbsp Unsweetened, shredded Coconut

Brown Sugar Walnut
1/2 cup Rolled Oats / Old Fashioned Oatmeal
1 tbsp Brown Sugar
Dash of Salt
1-2 tbsp Walnuts, finely chopped


Combine all ingredients for one flavor combination, ie Cinnamon Raisin, in a snack or sandwich size bag. (Tweak sugar to preference, when at home I skip the sugar and just mix in mashed banana). Store until needed.

When ready to eat simply empty contents of bag into bowl and add 1/2 cup boiling hot water. Mix and gobble it up.
