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Spicy Pork Tenderloin

Spicy Pork Tenderloin
Melinda Bianchet


Looking for a way to spice up a basic pork tenderloin? Try out this recipe  and I know you will love the dish and make it all winter long.

Black Pepper
Kosher Salt
6 cloves garlic
1/2 T The Woods Artisan Blend
1 T Dijon Mustard
1/8 cup olive oil

Preheat oven to 475 degrees. Pat tenderloin dry then sprinkle with salt and pepper. Combine garlic, The Woods, Dijon Mustard, and olive oil in food processor (or just stir together well), then spread on tenderloin. Place on metal baking pan. Bake on each side for 10 minutes, until internal temperature reaches 155 degrees. When finished cover in tin foil on pan for 10 minutes.