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Summer Harvest Scrambled Eggs

Summer Harvest Scrambled Eggs
Christopher Mohs

When the weekends come around I like to whip up a breakfast that uses up some of the extra veggies and ingredients that I have in the fridge. I love the idea of grabbing a handful of several kinds of veggies, a sprinkling of cheese and a few eggs to toss together a hearty scrambled egg dish that fuels us for our adventures walking around Manhattan.

Here’s how to make this mornings quick and easy creation.

1 Roma Tomato (diced)
1/4 cup Diced Zucchini
3 Eggs
2 tbsp Milk
4 tbsp Feta Cheese Crumbles
Salt and Pepper to Taste

Over medium heat, add 1 tbsp of olive oil to the pan and then add zucchini and season with salt and pepper. Cook for 5 minutes until zucchini is just beginning to become tender. Add in the roma tomato and cook for an additional 5 minutes.  Mix the eggs and milk together in a small dish and pour into the pan.  Cook as you would regular scrambled eggs breaking up the eggs and stirring occasionally.  When the eggs are almost done, sprinkle in the feta cheese and let cook for the final couple minutes. Plate and garnish with either a little bit of basil (as I did here) or parsley, cilantro, or spinach.

Enjoy the yum!
