Please know that we personally read and reply to all Pumpernickel&Rye emails, which means that you aren’t receiving a response from an auto-responder. This also means that keeping on top of email can take some time. In an effort to make email as effective as possible, please read the following:

Do you have a recipe question? Please leave questions as a comment on the recipe post it relates to. It often takes us a while to respond back via email, however we do attempt to respond to questions on posts within a few days. This also helps other readers who may have similar questions.

Is this a question about the site or a general baking question? Please submit the question via the form below, we’ll be building out an FAQ page soon.

Contact details

Instagram: @pumpernickelandryeofficial

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from Christopher Michael Lostegaard Mohs

Dishes & Baked Goods Meticulously Created By The Contributors of Pumpernickel & Rye.

Our signature recipes are painstakingly developed to bring out the best flavors in food while maintaining simplicity in preparation. With each dish, you’ll find yourself bringing homemade goodness to your kitchen with the ease and simplicity you’ll come to appreciate and love. You really can have it both ways – great food and the life you love to live. Enjoy the Yum!