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Tuscan Spinach Spaghetti with Feta

Tuscan Spinach Spaghetti with Feta
Christopher Mohs

This quick meal is sure to come together in under 15 minutes and is so incredibly delicious.  I hope you enjoy!


1 small Onion (diced)
1 Red Pepper (diced)
1 pkg Sliced Mushrooms
1 tbsp Olive Oil
1 tbsp Butter
1 tsp Minced Garlic
1 tsp Tuscan Sun Artisan Blend
6 oz. Spinach
4 oz. Feta Cheese
1/4 lb. Spaghetti
1 Lemon (Zest and Juice)


Bring water to a boil and cook according to package directions.  The rest of this recipe will come together in about 5-7 minutes so plan accordingly. In a sauté pan set at medium heat, add olive oil and butter and allow to get nice and hot.  Add onions, mushrooms and garlic and cook until onions or translucent. Next add red pepper and spinach and cover to wilt the spinach. Finally once the pasta is done, strain the pasta and add to your sauté pan. Stir together and add zest and juice of the lemon and the feta cheese.  Toss together and serve.

Doesn’t get much easier than that!