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White Chocolate & Cranberry Sugar Cookies

White Chocolate & Cranberry Sugar Cookies
Christopher Mohs

Growing up I remember getting off the bus at the high school where my mom was a teacher, just so I could get one of the cookies from the shake shop that was operated by her favorite class. They had chocolate chip, monster and my favorite. Melt in your mouth delicious sugar cookies. The recipe came to our family via a gentleman that my father had met at the Minnesota School for the Blind in the early 1980’s. A rather simple recipe that divulged amazing results.

The recipe has been a mainstay in my mother’s “Favorite Recipes” cookbook and remains a favorite any time of the year. In an effort to give the already amazing cookie a little twist I elected to toss in a few extra ingredients with the white chocolate chips and dried cranberries. The result? The simplest cookie I know with an added little touch of fruity magic that makes a cookie that you won’t be able to resist.

This recipe and more available in “Great Eats! In A New York Minute. Or Two”.  Get your autographed copy today!


1 cup Confectioners Sugar
1 cup Granulated Sugar
1/2 lb Salted Butter (room temperature)
7 oz. Vegetable Oil
2 Extra-Large Eggs
1 tsp Pure Vanilla Extract
5 cups All-Purpose Flour
1 tsp Cream of Tarter
1 tsp Baking Soda
1 1/2 cups White Chocolate Chips
1 1/2 cups Dried Cranberries


Preheat oven to 375 degrees.  In a bowl, sift together flour, cream of tarter and baking soda and set aside. Measure the white chocolate chips and dried cranberries and mix together in a second bowl and set aside.  In the mixing bowl, add together sugars, oil, butter and vanilla extract. Mix together until combined and add the eggs one at a time. Turn mixer on medium-high and mix until light and fluffy (3-5 minutes).

Next add in a third of the flour mixture, then half of the white chocolate chip and dried cranberry mixture and alternate ending with the flour mixture, mixing each step until just combined.

Using a medium ice-cream scoop (creates a cookie ball a little bigger than an inch in diameter), scoop out the cookie dough and gently hand roll into a ball without compressing the dough. Place on a cookie sheet, lightly grease the bottom of a goblet or wide bottomed glass and dip into granulated sugar and use to press the cookies down to about 1/4 inch thickness.

Place the first cookie sheet in the oven on the bottom rack for 4 minutes, after four minutes move to the top rack and place the next sheet of cookies on the bottom rack, alternate for a total baking time of 8 minutes for each sheet of cookies.  When you remove the cookies from the oven let them sit for 2 minutes to firm up and then remove to a cooling rack.

Once cooled, enjoy with a tall glass of milk.